Grounds and Maintenance

The CCA Grounds and Maintenance Committee includes interested Board members and resident homeowners.  The G&M committee meets on an ad-hoc basis to discuss and oversee maintenance of common areas within Country Creek.

Landscaping Services
CCA has contracted with Shenandoah Landscape Services to provide full landscape maintenance services for resident front yards and the common areas. Mowing will take place every seven to ten (7-10) days beginning April and continuing until the end of October.  Each homeowner is responsible for maintenance of their own back yard.

Snow Removal
Shenandoah will plow the roads within the community when 2 inches of snow has fallen. It is each resident’s responsibility to shovel out his or her parking spaces, front walkway and steps, and the sidewalk in front of his or her home. If a fire hydrant is located near your home, please clear the snow away from it. Also, help out and clear a path to the mailboxes. Please help a neighbor if they are unable to shovel snow.